Trauma Therapy and PTSD Treatment

Your story matters.

Your journey matters.

Building resiliency one session at a time.

What is trauma?

Many of the clients I work with come into the counseling office with a lot of distress surrounding their past, causing an inability to live in the present moment. Clients are often surprised when I suggest that they have trauma-related symptoms. In the therapy world, the understanding of trauma work has expanded beyond the diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Today, “trauma” encompasses complex trauma, developmental trauma, and so much more. 

Developmental trauma develops as a response to unstable or unsafe living environments often occurring in one’s early years. Examples of developmental trauma include sexual, emotional, or physical abuse, inconsistent care, severe interpersonal struggles, neglect and abandonment, and experiences of oppression or marginalization.

Developmental trauma has a profound impact on one’s sense of well-being and safety. Folks with developmental trauma may reenact earlier traumatic experiences in their present-day relationships. Trauma reenactment occurs when people repeat past events and relationships that recreate the same type of old relational wounding, putting the person in an emotionally volatile and sometimes dangerous state.

How Trauma affects us

Image of a person with freckles holding their hands to their face with their eyes closed. This image depicts what someone with PTSD may look like. In trauma therapy in Minneapolis, MN, you can work with a PTSD therapist to heal from trauma. | 55402 …

Symptoms of trauma can look very different for each individual. But many who struggle with symptoms of trauma experience flashbacks or intrusive thoughts surrounding a past major life event. 

Those who have experienced traumatic life events or repeated traumatic circumstances may struggle with…

  • Consistent baggage from previous romantic and/or sexual relationships

  • Struggles with past harmful experiences

  • Consistent discrimination surrounding a marginalized identity

  • Negative beliefs about oneself and the world

  • Struggles with bullying/harassment

Initially, clients who come to work with me are stuck in their heads. Old memories swirl in their mind, causing them to be unable to fully move forward in their lives. Their ability to tolerate stressors may vary tremendously and distressing memories affect all aspects of their being. Past events and symptoms of trauma affect their ability to cope with present-day struggles.

Image of a person sitting at a desk and looking off into the distance. This image illustrates what someone doing trauma therapy in Minneapolis, MN may look like. If you are interested in starting PTSD treatment, reach out to a PTSD therapist in Minn…

ways developmental trauma shows up

  • Negative core beliefs

  • Hypervigilance

  • Intrusive thoughts

  • Irritability

  • Substance abuse

  • Self-destructive behaviors

  • Flashbacks

  • Sleep disturbance

  • Inability to fully experience pleasure

    Dealing with any of these symptoms can make life feel almost unbearable.

My Approach to Trauma Therapy and PTSD Treatment

As a trauma therapist, I strongly believe that all humans have the ability to work through aspects of their traumas and come to a better understanding of their past so they can fully show up in the present moment.

Therapy is a helpful way to build insight into repeated patterns. It can provide ways to improve judgment about ourselves and the company we may keep. In trauma therapy and PTSD treatment, I provide a variety of tools to help clients move through their traumas at a pace that works for them and their goals. 

Some of the ways that I work with folks are through Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy and Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (SP). I have advanced training in each modality. Below are quick explanations of each. 

Image of a person leaning against a motorcycle and looking off into the distance. This image demonstrates what someone going to a session of trauma therapy in Minneapolis, MN may look like. If you are looking to start PTSD treatment, reach out to a …

EMDR Therapy

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy is a psychotherapy modality that allows people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress of disturbing life experiences.  EMDR is an evidence-based treatment. This means there are multiple studies showing that using EMDR therapy can help people can experience healing at a much faster and more effective rate than traditional talk therapy.

During EMDR, we may focus on past disturbing memories and related events as well as current situations that cause stress. I will help you develop skills and fine-tune positive beliefs to function more fully in the world. 


Sensorimotor psychotherapy (SP) is a therapy modality that focuses on trauma and attachment issues. SP centers the body as a vehicle for trauma healing. Further, SP is a multi-faceted approach that includes somatic (body sensations), emotional (feeling state), and cognitive (thoughts/headspace) processing and integration. Trauma processing from the bottom-up helps clients get out of their heads and into their bodies, allowing for fast and comprehensive healing. 

Begin Trauma Therapy and PTSD Treatment in Minneapolis, MN

Trauma work is beautiful, hard, and life-changing. It’s work that I’m passionate about because it provides release and relief for my clients. Ready for a change? Give trauma therapy and PTSD treatment at my Minneapolis, MN-based therapy practice a chance. With modalities like EMDR and SP available both in-person and online, I believe meeting with a trauma therapist can make a difference in your life. To get started, follow these steps.

  1. Contact me to schedule a free consultation

  2. We’ll talk about your goals for therapy and see if I’m a good fit as your therapist

  3. Start healing and living a life you feel more connected to

Other Services at Temperance Therapies

At my practice located in Minneapolis, MN, I serve teens and adults looking to heal from trauma and find their center. I offer individual trauma therapy as well as a group setting at a wellness retreat in northern Minnesota. In social identity and gender therapy, we can explore all the ways that trauma has impacted you because of the specific identities you hold. Likewise, in sex therapy, we will dive into how trauma has shaped your sexuality and all that goes into that aspect of you as an individual. I can also help you work through any challenge with your relationship with couples therapy. If you have more questions about working with me, insurance and fees, or just how I practice as an inclusive trauma therapist, please contact me.



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Meeting clients at the Ivy Building (2637 27th Ave S, Suite 216 B, Minneapolis, MN 55406)

in the Seward neighborhood of South Minneapolis


Offering online therapy within greater Minnesota
