Therapy with Teens

Being a teen in 2021 is really really difficult.

Not only is your teen adjusting to typical stressors— constant comparisons, friend group drama, bullying, juggling academics, body image issues, and adjusting to changing family dynamics.

But it’s also a time of new beginnings and exploration— understanding race-based stress, sexuality, gender identity, consent, romantic relationships, sneaking out to see friends and getting caught, life transitions, experimenting with alcohol/drugs, and dreams about “adulthood”.

And on top of that, we have the on-going pandemic— not being able to regularly see all of ones friends, fears and anxieties related to COVID, struggles with online learning, and dreading going back to full time in-person learning.

This can be a lot for just one person!

I’d be thrilled to work with your teen to help support them and the family unit. I have worked with teens in a multitude of settings and know how best to foster positive growth and change.



Sign up now to receive helpful and free content on social identity and trauma as well as information on upcoming courses and retreats!


Meeting clients at the Ivy Building (2637 27th Ave S, Suite 216 B, Minneapolis, MN 55406)

in the Seward neighborhood of South Minneapolis


Offering online therapy within greater Minnesota
