sex therapy

The world of sex therapy is endless.

What is sex therapy?

Sex therapy can incorporate so much - from your relationship with your own body and others’ to facets of your identity, to pleasure, juicy vulnerabilities, and desires.

In sex therapy sessions, we may process previous sexual experiences as well as present and future-focused desires and interests. This page provides a brief overview of what you can expect from me as a sex therapist. However, this list is not exhaustive! If there is a topic I have not mentioned on this page that you would like to discuss, explore, unpack and process, please bring it up in session. In therapy, I welcome all different types of conversations related to sex, sexual pleasure, and sexual identity.

As a sex therapist, I believe that sex should be a normal part of everyday conversation. With that being said, I’m excited to offer/create a space for you to comfortably land and be yourself in. My Minneapolis, MN-based therapy practice is a sex worker and sex work-friendly and affirming space.

What to expect from Sex Therapy in Minneapolis, MN

Image of two people in an embrace with their hands held across one partner’s abdomen. This image depicts how working with a sex therapist in Minneapolis, MN for sex therapy can help you get in touch with your sexual needs and desires. | 55402 |&nbsp…

In sex therapy sessions, you can expect me to meet you where you’re at and affirm your sexuality and sexual identity. I believe that it is so important to have a space that can be inviting to all questions. And I truly welcome all of them. 

Sex therapy is a trauma-informed and pleasure-focused space to celebrate you and develop deeper self-awareness with curiosity and understanding. Discussing topics related to sex can feel very vulnerable for folks and I welcome that vulnerability with deep care. 

*Sex therapy does not incorporate any sexual contact between therapist and client.

Reasons to begin sex therapy

Image of two people holding each other and holding sparklers in their hands. This image represents the healing that can take place in sex therapy in Minneapolis, MN. If you’re looking for a sex therapist, search “sex therapist near me.” 55424 | 55391
  • Orgasm difficulties

  • Dissociation during sex

  • Open relationship and non-monogamy trouble-shooting

  • Trauma related to sexual experiences

  • Infidelity

  • Chronic illness and how it relates to one’s sexual identity (medication side effects, pain with sex, STIs)

  • Desire discrepancies (low sexual desire, mismatched couple desire, increased sexual desire)

  • Consent and communication

  • BDSM and kink best practices and lifestyle affirmation

  • Sexual orientation development and integration

  • Support for sexual abuse

  • Compulsive sexual behaviors

  • Body-related issues around gender transition

  • Masturbation difficulties

  • Erectile dysfunction

  • Sexual anxiety

My Approach to Sex Therapy

Image of two people in bed together with a dog on their lap. This image illustrates the intimacy that partners can share after working through sex therapy in Minneapolis, MN and meeting with a sex therapist. | 55436 | 55439

My primary goal is to help you feel good about yourself and the choices you are making around your sexual identity. This could mean receiving support and validation around the ways you may (or may not) have sex on a variety of levels (with yourself and with others). It is important for me to be clear that I am just as encouraging with clients who identify as asexual and/or aromantic. At my private practice, all aspects of sexual and erotic identity are respected, validated, and celebrated. 

In addition to sex therapy, I provide trauma therapy, which can include EMDR therapy and sensorimotor psychotherapy when needed. The relationship between our sexual identities and traumatic pasts can often be very intertwined. Knowing this, in sex therapy, we may discuss sexual trauma and related issues, which may be a good reason to incorporate these treatments into your sessions.

Further, as a sex therapist, I provide a collaborative and eclectic approach to focus on issues with deep compassion and attunement. When incorporating trauma work with clients, I always go at the pace you are comfortable with. In my opinion, successful trauma work can help increase one’s ability to fully be in the present moment. And this presence can be beneficial in many areas of your life, including sex and pleasure.

Begin Sex Therapy in Minneapolis, MN

Talking about sex and sexuality for the first time can, of course, be intimidating. These parts of our lives are often deemed taboo and inappropriate to talk about. But I completely disagree! As a sex therapist, I believe that our sexual selves are so essential to understand in order to more fully understand ourselves as individuals. I encourage you to take a deep dive into your truest desires and explore yourself as a sexual being in sex therapy at my Minneapolis, MN-located therapy practice. To get started, follow the steps below.

  1. Contact me to schedule a free consultation call

  2. We will discuss your goals for therapy and see if I am a good fit as your sex therapist

  3. Find freedom in your sexual life that translates to living a more wholehearted, authentic life altogether

 Other Services at Temperance Therapies

When you meet with me for therapy, we take things at your pace. It is a priority of mine that both teens and adults I work with feel safe and comfortable as we dive into trauma, sexual challenges and desires, couples therapy, and identity concerns. Therapy is your place to explore safely and heal. I offer this in an individual capacity as well as in a group format at a wellness retreat. If you have further questions about what it’s like to work with me or how my Minneapolis, MN-based therapy practice works with insurance and fees, please feel free to contact me.



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Meeting clients at the Ivy Building (2637 27th Ave S, Suite 216 B, Minneapolis, MN 55406)

in the Seward neighborhood of South Minneapolis


Offering online therapy within greater Minnesota
