Couples therapy

It is completely normal to be unsure of when it is necessary to start couples therapy with your partner (or partners).

Maybe you’ve been thinking about it for some time, but you’re unable to move forward due to that voice in your head that stops you by saying, “it’s not bad yet” or “we’re not like those people.”

But, you keep wondering about how much better it could be if you and your partner were on the same page. Communication, intimacy (of all kinds), and sexual differences don’t have to be issues in your relationship forever. As a mentor once told me, the house doesn’t need to be burning down in order to tend to it. Your relationship does not need to reach a critical crisis point in order for it to receive outside care and support from a couples therapist.

Image of two people sitting together and one kissing another on the cheek. This image represents how partners can connect in couples therapy in Minneapolis, MN with the help of a couples therapist. | 55402 | 55405

Couples therapy can help you prioritize and tend to Your relationships

Tending to our relationships by going to couples therapy will provide folks with…

  • More expansive understanding of their partner(s)

  • Insight into how their relationship functions

  • Deeper awareness of how each partner operates in the relationship

Our past relational dynamics can bleed into our current partnerships if we are unaware of the impact of our own histories. Sexual difficulties in relationships can create a negative feedback loop of stress and disconnect between partners causing stress and communication struggles. A couples therapist can help navigate and foster communication out of this kind of emotionally charged loop.

Issues addressed in Couples Therapy

Image of two partners looking at each other and smiling. This image depicts how starting couples therapy in Minneapolis, MN can help partners work on their relationship. | 55424 | 55391

When you work with me for couple therapy in Minneapolis, MN, we may focus on…

  • Mismatched libido (high and low sex drive) 

  • Communication 

  • Boundary setting

  • Relationship and sexual contractual agreements 

  • Non-monogamy and polyamory troubleshooting

  • Metamore (e.g. your partner’s other partner) dynamics and support 

  • Infidelity

  • Jealousy 

  • BDSM and kink best practices

  • Relationship betrayal 

  • Life transitions (moving in together, opening up a relationship, marriage and/or commitment ceremonies, having children)

  • Uncoupling 

  • Social identity allyship and support between partners (for example, queer and trans mixed couples)

My Approach to Couples Therapy

Couples therapy is not solely for monogamous folks

Image of two people sitting on a couch together and smiling at each other. This image demonstrates the connection that can be found after working with a couples therapist in Minneapolis, MN. Try couples therapy today. | 55436 | 55439

I support and welcome relational dynamics of all kinds. Whatever the relational dynamic, I am here to support, educate, care for, and maybe even provide a few laughs. I have extensive training and experience working with relationships based in ethical non-monogamy and/or polyamory. 

Are you in a secondary role and need support exploring your wants and needs with your partner(s)? I’m happy to help!

Struggling with a metamore and not sure how to communicate boundaries? Let’s talk about it!

Furthermore, I’m also happy to work with the whole polycule (a network of people connected through romantic relationships)! With a specialization in sex therapy, I am particularly enthusiastic about exploring how BDSM, kink, and power dynamics function within partnerships.

Talking about your relationship to a couples therapist with your partner in the room can be intimidating—but it doesn’t have to be! I believe that through therapy, we really can transform a stagnant or struggling relationship into one that is better understood between partners with a clear path forward. 

If you’ve been thinking about starting couples therapy, I strongly encourage you to reach out to me. I’d be happy to support you in your journey! If you have further questions about what it’s like to work with me or how my Minneapolis, MN-based therapy practice works, please feel free to contact me. 

Why not start today?

Why not allow your relationship to not only survive, but thrive? 


Taking the first step to start therapy can be intimidating, especially with a partner(s). But please know that at my therapy practice located in Minneapolis, MN, your emotional safety and wellness are always my priority. Understanding ourselves and our partners is so important to feeling centered and connected to our bodies, minds, and souls. Talking about what we need from a partner and learning what our partners need from us can be hard work. However, the outcomes of this work will help you live a life where you are more authentically connected with both yourself and others. Let’s work together to strengthen those relationships! To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Contact me to book a free consultation call

  2. During the call, we will talk about your therapy goals and see if I’m a good fit for you

  3. Explore your relationship with your partner(s) and find centeredness


My main focus as a trauma therapist is exploring the past and how it has shaped us is into who we are today. Trauma can influence so much of our lives, even if we don’t quite realize it. Working through past trauma can teach us more about our current relationships and who we are as an individual. It is our job to process our past to determine who we were and who we want to become. This can be daunting, so please know that at my Minneapolis, MN-based therapy practice, I am here to support you. Whether you are exploring your social identity, need support in trauma therapy, or want to explore yourself through sex therapy, I am here for you! If you are looking for a group approach to therapy, I offer mental health and wellness retreats as well. Please contact me if you have any questions about fees. If you are ready, start working with me today!



Sign up now to receive helpful and free content on social identity and trauma as well as information on upcoming courses and retreats!


Meeting clients at the Ivy Building (2637 27th Ave S, Suite 216 B, Minneapolis, MN 55406)

in the Seward neighborhood of South Minneapolis


Offering online therapy within greater Minnesota
